This past week was all about the core design of the project, pinning down all of the main systems of the game and how they will work. Translated into what was actually done, it was the a lot of writing, creating the core of Game Design Document (GDD), in the GDD there is everything that makes up Twilight of the gods and hopefully I could give it to anyone and they would know what the game is about. While not as exciting as getting in engine and all the fun that come along with that, making a strong GDD is just as important as it's what I will be looking back to throughout the whole project to make sure I am staying on track. This is why it is so important that make the GDD as clear as possible so it is easy to read and understand, to that end over the past week I have been giving it to anyone unfortunate enough to cross my path getting them to read the overview of the game and then asking them what the game is about after. This gave some really helpful feedback to cut out unneeded fluff making the GDD more clear and concise and will hopefully serve me well during the project.
This next week while more design will be more piratical than last week, I will be making paper prototype of the puzzles I laid out in the GDD. Testing these puzzles in paper will help find any glaring issues that you may not be able to see whilst it is only written out in a GDD. Finding core issues with a design in a paper prototype if much easier and quicker to fix and make sweeping changes if needed than if it was implemented in engine. It will also let get feedback on gameplay mechanics much earlier into the project than if I was to wait to implement the various puzzles. I will make another post once I have made up these prototypes and tested them (And I swear this one will have pictures) and will discuss how it goes and the feedback I get.